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  • 姓名:刘西光



  • 个人基本情况
    (主要受教育经历 主要工作经历)
    2004.09-2008.06	西安建筑科技大学	        土木工程    本科
    2008.09-2011.06	西安建筑科技大学 	结构工程    硕士
    2011.09-2016.03	同济大学	                结构工程    博士
    2019.12-2021.12 美国Colorado State University 土木工程 博士后
  • 研究领域
  • 学术兼职/承担项目与课题
    2020.11-至今  中国工程建设标准化协会预应力工程专业委员会委员
    2021.11-至今  中国建筑金属结构协会教育分会委员
    2020.05-至今  《建筑结构学报》中青年审稿专家
  • 代表性成果
    (1) Liu Xiguang, Zhang Weiping, Gu Xianglin, Ye Zhiwen. Assessment of fatigue life for corroded prestressed concrete beams subjected to high-cycle fatigue loading. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2023, 149(2): 04022242. 
    (2) Liu Xiguang, Yan Ziwei, Wang Dongjing, Zhao Rong, Niu Ditao, Wang Yan. Corrosion cracking behavior of reinforced concrete under freeze-thaw cycles. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 64: 105610. 
    (3) Liu Xiguang, Zhang Weiping, Gu Xianglin, Ye Zhiwen. Probability distribution model of stress impact factor for corrosion pits of high-strength prestressing wires. Enginerring Structures. 2021; 230:111686. 
    (4) Fengliang Zhang, Xiguang Liu*, Jianyang Xue, Hussam Mahmoud, Pengchun Hu, Gengmin Zhou. Experimental seismic response of a damaged brick cave dwelling repaired using a cement mortar coating with polypropylene packing strap mesh. ASCE-Journal of Structural Engineering. 2021; 147(12):Journal of Structural Engineering. 
    (5) Xiguang Liu; Erhao Ma; Jun Liu; Ditao Niu; Yan Wang. Deterioration of an industrial reinforced concrete structure exposed to high temperatures and dry-wet cycles. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 135:106150. 
    (6) 刘西光, 张伟平, 叶志文,顾祥林, 疲劳损伤锈蚀预应力混凝土梁受力性能研究. 建筑结构学报. 2019(01):89-96.
    (7) Liu Xiguang, Niu Ditao, Li Xingchen, Lv Yao. Effects of Ca(OH)2 -CaCO3 concentration distribution on the pH and pore structure in natural carbonated cover concrete: A case study. Construction and Building Materials, 2018,186:1276-85. 
    (8) Liu Xiguang, Niu Ditao, Li Xingchen, Lv Yao, Fu Qiang. Pore solution pH for the corrosion initiation of rebars embedded in concrete under a long-term natural carbonation reaction. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(1). 
    (9) Liu Xiguang, Zhang Weiping, Gu Xianglin, Zeng Yanhong. Degradation of mechanical behavior of corroded prestressing wires subjected to high-cycle fatigue loading. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 2017, 22(5). 
    (10) Ye Zhiwen, Zhang Weiping, Gu Xianglin, Liu Xiguang. Experimental investigation on shear fatigue behavior of reinforced concrete beams with corroded stirrups. Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE). 2019, 24(2). 

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