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我院举办“Maturity Method to Estimate Compressive Strength of Mass Concrete”学术报告会

编辑:科研、研究生办公室 发表时间:[2019-12-23] 阅读:

12月18日上午,“Maturity Method to Estimate Compressive Strength of Mass Concrete”学术报告会在土木楼212报告厅举行。本期学术报告会主讲人是西弗吉尼亚大学Hung-Liang Chen教授,报告会由门进杰教授主持,爱游戏app官方网站手机版部分教师及近百名研究生参加了本期报告会。



                                                               Hung-Liang Chen教授作学术报告


                                                              Hung-Liang Chen教授与同学交流

Hung-Liang Chen教授的学术分享,为我院研究生在科研道路的探究过程中做了很好的榜样。此外,Chen教授在对于大体积混凝土强度的测定和玻璃钢聚合物筋(GFRP)等方面的深入研究,给予我院研究生有益的收获及启发,促进了我院的科研活动和国际交流。



Dr. Hung-Liang (Roger) Chen received his M.S. and Ph.D. in structural engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, in 1985 and 1988, respectively. He joined West Virginia University in 1989 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in 1995 and Professor in 2000. He has been involved extensively with research in structural dynamics, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), dynamic soil-structure interaction, and material characterization of concrete, composites, timber, and ceramic materials. He also has ongoing research in mass concrete, self-consolidating concrete, GFRP-reinforced CRCP, and NDE of wellbore cement. Dr. Chen has published more than 150 technical publications and has received over 40 research awards with a total of about 4.7 million dollars as Principal Investigator. He has advised over 45 graduate students, including 11 Ph.D. students. He is active on several technical committees for the American Concrete Institute, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). He has received numerous honors and awards for his contributions in teaching and research. Dr. Chen is a Fellow of ASNT.



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