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我院成功举办“Performance of Hybrid Coupled Core Wall Systems Subjected to Low Seismic Events and Wind Loads”学术报告会

编辑: 发表时间:[2019-11-18] 阅读:


2019年11月15日下午15时,我院特邀美国辛辛那提大学Bahram M. Shahrooz教授在我校土木楼212报告厅作了题为“Performance of Hybrid Coupled Core Wall Systems Subjected to Low Seismic Events and Wind Loads”的学术报告。报告会由爱游戏app官方网站手机版院长助理门进杰教授主持,我校百余名研究生及相关专业教师参加了本期学术报告会。


Bahram教授从联肢剪力墙的概念、力学模型、耦合度、连梁的选型、连梁设计要求等方面进行了报告会的分享。并以位于辛辛那提的一栋25层的办公建筑为原型,对美国钢结构规范(AISC)中的不同条文对连梁埋置深度和剪力设计的不同要求进行探究,提出了设计建议。最后, Bahram教授分享了其与华侨大学和华盛顿州立大学等单位合作开展的一系列针对剪力墙结构的试验和数值模拟研究项目。






Coupled core wall systems have been shown to provide excellent energy dissipation in high seismic areas. The current U.S. seismic provisions provide design and detailing requirements for these high-seismic systems. However, the requirements given in the provisions for low-seismic applications are be short of extensive research. The requirements given for low-seismic applications are commonly used to detail the system in wind applications. To address the limited available data regarding design and detailing of hybrid core walls in low seismic and wind applications, researchers at the University of Cincinnati, Washington State University, and Huaqiao University will conduct a coordinated analytical and experimental research program. To facilitate selection of the test specimens, a prototype structure was developed and designed in accordance with the current provisions for low-seismic applications. Test components and subassemblies will be subjected to numerous cycles representing wind load effects.

Dr. Bahram Shahrooz is a professor of structural engineering at the University of Cincinnati and Huaqiao University and is recipient of “Distinguished Experts: The Hundred-Talent Program”, Fujian Province. He has published more than 150 refereed journal papers, peer-reviewed conference proceeding papers, technical reports, and magazine articles. He is the recipient of the 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) State of the Art of Civil Engineering Award and the 2005 ASCE Moisseiff Award. He is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and Fellow of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE. He is an active member of several ACI and ASCE technical committees, past chairman of ASCE Composite Construction committee, and past chairman of ACI Composite and Hybrid Structures committee. He is a registered professional engineer in Ohio and has served as a consultant on several projects.

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